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Cutting from an Antiphonal, about 1465. Creator: Bartolomeo Rigossi da Gallarate.
Leaf from Antiphonal P of San Giorgio Maggiore, about 1467-1470. Creator: Belbello da Pavia.
Initial A: Young Christ Blessing, about 1467-1470. Creator: Belbello da Pavia.
Leaf from an Antiphonal, about 1265. Creator: Bolognese Illuminator of the First Style.
Initial M: The Death of Saint Dominic, about 1265. Creator: Bolognese Illuminator of the First Style.
Three leaves from an antiphonal, about 1405. Creator: Master of the Golden Bull.
Initial H: Saint Stephen, about 1405. Creator: Unknown.
Philosophy Consoling Boethius and Fortune Turning the Wheel, about 1460-1470. Creator: Master of Coetivy.
Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius, about 1460-1470. Creator: Master of Coetivy.
Philosophy Instructing Boethius on the Role of God, about 1460-1470. Creator: Master of Coetivy.
Miniatures from Boethius, Consolation de philosophie, about 1460-1470. Creators: Master of Coetivy, Jean de Meun.
Leaves from Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César, about 1390-1400. Creator: First Master of the Bible historiale of Jean de Berry.
Initial S: Job, cutting from a choir book, third quarter of 15th century. Creator: Francesco di Antonio del Chierico.
Initial S: Job, cutting from a choir book, third quarter of 15th century. Creator: Francesco di Antonio del Chierico.
The Adoration of the Magi: cutting from a choir book, 1470s. Creator: Franco dei Russi.
Initial E: The Adoration of the Magi, 1470s. Creator: Franco dei Russi.
Initial T: Saint Louis of Toulouse, about 1453-1463. Creator: Franco dei Russi.
Initial E: David Lifting up His Soul to God, about 1455-1461. Creator: Franco dei Russi.
Cutting from an antiphonal, about 1460-1480. Creator: Frate Nebridio da Cremona.
Initial A: Saints Maurice and Theofredus, about 1460-1480. Creator: Frate Nebridio da Cremona.
King David kneeling in prayer, cutting from a gradual, about 1440.  Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.
Initial A: Christ Appearing to David, about 1440. Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.
Pentecost: Miniature from a Devotional or Liturgical Manuscript, about 1460-1470.  Creator: Girolamo da Cremona.
Leaf from the Missal of Innocent VIII, 1484-1492. Creator: Giuliano Amedei.
The Crucifixion; Poncher Hours, 1484-1492. Creator: Giuliano Amedei.
Cutting from Digestum vetus, completed before 1340. Creator: Andrea da Bologna.
Escutcheon with a Sea Monster; Nine Emblems for Louis XIV, about 1663-1668. Creator: Jacques Bailly.
Escutcheon with a Landscape; Nine Emblems for Louis XIV, about 1663-1668. Creator: Jacques Bailly.
Three Emblems for Louis XIV, about 1663-1668. Creators: Jacques Bailly, Amable de Bourzeys, Nicolas Jarry.
Bathsheba Bathing, 1498-1499. Creator: Jean Bourdichon.
The Presentation in the Temple, 1498-1499. Creator: Jean Bourdichon.
Miniature from The Miracles of Our Lady, about 1460. Creators: Lieven van Lathem, Jean Mielot.
Historiated Initial from an Antiphonal, third quarter of 14th century. Creator: Lippo Vanni.
The Ascension: cutting from a gradual, designed about 1410; completed about 1431. Creators: Lorenzo Monaco, Zanobi di Benedetto Strozzi, Battista di Biagio Sanguigni.
The Abduction of Ydoire, written 1463-1465; illuminated 1467-1472. Creators: Loyset Liedet, Pol Fruit.
Fromont de Lens Leaving Bordeaux and the Battle against..., written 1463-1465; illuminated 1467-1472 Creators: Loyset Liedet, Pol Fruit.
The Battle Between Arnault de Lorraine and His Wife Lydia, written 1463-1465; illuminated 1467-1472. Creators: Loyset Liedet, Pol Fruit.
Lydia Ordering the Death of Her Sons, written 1463-1465; illuminated 1467-1472. Creators: Loyset Liedet, Pol Fruit.
The Conquest of Gasgogne by the Armies of Luxembourg, Boulogne...written 1463-5; illuminated 1467-72 Creators: Loyset Liedet, Pol Fruit.
The Battle before Roussillon's Castle, written 1463-465; illuminated 1467-1472. Creators: Loyset Liedet, Pol Fruit.
Gerard and Bertha Find Sustenance at a Hermitage, written 1463-1465; illuminated 1467-1472. Creators: Loyset Liedet, Pol Fruit.
The Coronation of Pepin, written 1463-1465; illuminated 1467-1472. Creators: Loyset Liedet, Pol Fruit.
Fromont de Lens Receiving News of the Devastation of his Land, written 1463-65; illuminated 1467-72. Creators: Loyset Liedet, Pol Fruit.
Fifteen Cuttings from Histoire de Charles Martel, written 1463-1465; illuminated 1467-1472. Creators: Loyset Liedet, Pol Fruit, David Aubert.
Cutting from an antiphonal, early 16th century. Creator: Master B.F..
Initial E: Saint John the Evangelist, early 16th century. Creator: Master B.F..
Initial D: Noah Directing the Construction of the Ark; Antiphonal, about 1495-1510. Creator: Master B.F..
Saint Anthony Abbot Blessing the Animals, the Poor, and the Sick, about 1400-1410. Creator: Master of St. Veronica.
The Crucifixion, about 1400-1410. Creator: Master of St. Veronica.
Historiated Initial from a Gradual, about 1430-1440. Creator: Master of the Cypresses.
Pentecost: Leaf from the Laudario of Sant'Agnese, about 1340. Creator: Master of the Dominican Effigies.
The Temperate and the Intemperate, about 1475-1480. Creator: Master of the Dresden Prayer Book.
Initial G: Saint Blaise, about 1450-1460. Cutting from a gradual. Creator: Master of the Murano Gradual.
Saint Jerome Extracting a Thorn from a Lion's Paw, second quarter of 15th century.  Creator: Master of the Murano Gradual.
Saint Ambrose baptising Saint Augustine, Cutting from a Choir Book, about 1430.  Creator: Master of the Osservanza Triptych.
Assassination scene - miniature from a manuscript, about 1420. Creator: Master of Trinity College Ms. B.11.7.
Leaf from Ms. Ludwig II 7, 1615. Creator: Mesrop of Khizan.
The Baptism of Christ; Gospel Book, 1615. Creator: Mesrop of Khizan.
Saint Dominic, about 1386. Creator: Niccolo di Giacomo da Bologna.
Initial S: Pentecost, about 1394-1402. Creator: Niccolo di Giacomo da Bologna.